187 TopicsNew Feature: Built in Picture in Picture mode (PIP) is added to Microsoft Edge Global Media Controls
Microsoft Edge Canary Version 82.0.442.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) The flags you need to enable: edge://flags/ 1. Global Media Controls Picture-in-Picture Enables Picture-in-Picture controls in the Global Media Controls UI. Requires #global-media-controls to also be enabled. – Mac, Windows #global-media-controls-picture-in-picture 2. Global Media Controls Enables the Global Media Controls UI in the toolbar. – Mac, Windows #global-media-controls Microsoft Edge browser now has support for Picture in Picture mode built in. it works in all websites playing video. this is another example for Twitch the PIP pop up video can be dragged to anywhere on the screen and it will stay on top of other applications123KViews11likes17Comments[FIXED] Anyone else having OneDrive high CPU usage problem after upgrading to build 19564?
Feedback on Feedback hub app: please add more details to it. thank you Tried restarting my computer 2 times already with 5/6 hours intervals. I let it run like that for hours, hoping it will finish whatever it is doing but nope, it always stays like that. anyone else having this issue on the same exact build?Solved105KViews4likes37Comments[FIXED] Can't Restart or Shut down my PC- Windows 10 insider build 18999 Fast Ring
UPDATE 10/18: We have released 20H1 Build 19002.1002, which includes a fix for the issue causing some devices to get stuck during shutdown or restart. After upgrading to 18999 from 18995, I can't restart my computer or shut it down anymore. when I attempt to do any of them, the computer gets stuck forever in either "shutting down" or "restarting" state with the loading icon circling. also the CPU usage goes up and I can tell it by reading the CPU temp number showin on my motherboard and CPU fans getting loud. I have to hard reset or hard shut down by either pressing the reset button on my case or holding the power button. the scary part is that it's not listen under the known issues in here: anyone else having the same problem? my specs: i7 7700K 16GB RAM DDR4 3200Mhz IGPU graphic card SSD M.2 Feedback to upvote: available digital licenses in our Microsoft account in Windows 10 settings, activation
There needs to be a way to view available digital licenses inside our Microsoft account, I think in Windows settings => update and security => Activation would be the most suitable place. it has benefits, the most important one is so user can see their available licenses in their Microsoft account and make a wise decision based on that info. please upvote this feedback in feedback hub: to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time and do other bulk actions
How to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time how to select multiple tabs or all tabs and do bulk actions on them (refresh, add to group, add to favorites, mute, duplicate etc) watch this video: (recorded in 1080p, 60FPS, MKV): you can select multiple tabs by holding CTRL and click on tabs to select them individually. another easier way is this: for example you have 10 tabs open and you want to select all of them at once, move your mouse pointer to the right most tab, hold CTRL + SHIFT and then click on it, you will see all of the tabs, from left to right, are selected. last example: you have 10 tabs open, you want to only select tabs from #3 to #8. you move your mouse cursor to tab #3, hold CTRL and then click on it, next you move your mouse cursor to tab #8, hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on it, you'll see now you've selected only tabs from #3 to #8 (i.e tabs #1, #2, #9, #10 are Not selected).37KViews5likes3CommentsWhat's new in Edge insider Canary Version
More appearance changes! The Reading View mode icon: Before After "Reading View" mode name is also changed to "Immersive Reader" How to enable Reading View mode (aka Immersive reader) ? Enable these flags: Profile panel design change: Before: After (new design): The color of the drop down menu of the Omnibox in dark theme changed (again): Before version After version (Now): New options added: In "Privacy and services" section of the Edge insider settings page This: (Off by default) And this option that you will only see if you have enabled Flags related to Internet explorer mode in Edge insider browser. Following that new option, this new Flag is also added:33KViews2likes4CommentsI want to be able to group app icons on Start menu - Windows 11
for example I want to put PWAs icons in one group, put Photo related app/software icons in another group and so on. Ideally I want to do this by dragging an icon on start menu and dropping it on another icon to form a group - Windows 11 insider Upvote in feedback hub: Impressive Edge insider Canary Results in HTML5 Test (Plus other browsers) Comparison
Here is the the score of browsers to see how much of HTML5 technologies and features they support. In order of highest to lowest. Edge insider Canary Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) Highest Score Google Chrome Canary Version 79.0.3924.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit) FireFox version 71.0a1 (2019-09-26) (64-bit) Edge classic (EdgeHTML) Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.18990 Microsoft Edge 44.18990.1.0 Internet explorer 11 version 11.1.18990 Internet Explorer 11 (latest version) obviously has the worst score, but it's the only browser that can manage to get the perfect 100/100 score from Acid3 test among all these browsers tested. the rest of the browsers can only get 97/100. By the way, Acid3 is an old test. Comment down below what you think. I for one am hella impressed by Microsoft Edge insider's score!18KViews3likes11CommentsSmart 💡 Idea: use Automatic Profile Switching in Edge to create a Container like experience
The description for containers or multi-containers in Firefox is this: Multi-Account Containers is a Firefox add-on that lets you separate your work, shopping or personal browsing without having to clear your history, log in and out, or use multiple browsers. It's an improved version of the Containers feature built into Firefox Nightly and the completed Firefox Containers Test Pilot experiment. What are Containers? Container tabs are like normal tabs except that the sites you visit will have access to a separate slice of the browser's storage. This means your site preferences, logged in sessions, and advertising tracking data won't carry over to the new container. Likewise, any browsing you do within the new container will not affect your logged in sessions, or tracking data of your other containers. Back to the Microsoft, in Edge browser, we have profiles, we can create multiple profiles and give them custom names we can create offline profiles or we can connect those profiles to online Microsoft accounts (free or work accounts) Edge also has other features (in Canary and Dev channels at the moment of writing this) Automatic profile switching Multiple profile preferences the description text says: Automatic profile switching feature detects links being opened in incorrect Microsoft account profiles and guides users to correct work, school or personal profile by showing a prompt that lets user switch to correct profile. So, now consider all that's been said above, there is an opportunity here. Microsoft Edge already has the base and fundamental features to have a container experience, the only things left to be done are some tweaking. How? Container/multi-container in Firefox is basically an add-on. I've been testing Firefox nightly in the past few months as my default browser and used containers extensively, I've also been using Edge browser and multiple profiles and I'm 100% sure this can happen. Microsoft (i.e Edge browser team) kindly need to improve the Automatic profile switching. so what I mean is, this feature that can already detect links and switch/open them in a different/correct profile, now it needs to Also be able to switch/open links that the user manually specifies. Edge team need to simplify the profiles that are going to be used for container. the profiles used for containers need to share the same installed extensions, favorites, history etc but when it comes to cookies, site cache etc they should be isolated. So for Example, I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile that's named "Facebook". I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile called "Twitter" and so on. this is Exactly how multi-container in Firefox works, users specifies a list of addresses and websites and they are automatically opened in their own container, separate from the other containers and the main browsing session, but still in the same window. each container is opened as a tab, next to other tabs, Not in a separate window. so one of the tweaks that I mentioned that need to happen is that Edge should let us open links from different profiles in the same window. currently it can't and each profile is opened in a separate window. so once Edge is able to open Tabs belonging to different profiles in the same window (next to other tabs), those tabs can be colored and marked with a feature that is already available in Edge, called "Tab Groups", the job of which is to put different tabs together and give them a specific color and name. in the screenshot above, I'm showing the end goal and what I hope to happen. so the group "Facebook" with the Cyan color means those tabs belong to a Different profile in Edge that is called "Facebook, but are in the same Edge window next to other tabs that belong to other profiles. I really believe this is totally possible and achievable. let me know what you think and if there is something that can improve this in case I missed it, please comment down below. thank you Deleted MissyQ please review and let the team know? 🙏16KViews15likes15Comments