Forum Discussion

Teresa_Cyrus's avatar
Jan 22, 2024

New Outlook Working Offline Phase 1: Rolled Out with Limitations

1/12/2025 Update: Microsoft has released several offline functionalities for Phase 1. Watch the video for details. Video: 

All users will have access to the "first set" of Working Offline capabilities for the New Outlook for Windows.

This feature will allow you to VIEW your mail, calendar events, and contacts even when you're not connected to the internet since they will be stored on your device. You can still perform important actions on your mail, such as flagging, moving, deleting, and composing new messages, to ensure your productivity remains uninterrupted even when you're offline at the airport or home office.

Download the list of Offline Availability and Unsupported Features as of January 2025.
Microsoft Outlook's Offline: Features Availability » TRACCreations4E

Archived Resources: 

July 2024: Offline Phase I is rolling out and should reach worldwide by the first week of August. This video covers what to expect and the required settings for Offline.

April 2024 Video - Previous Status:



#traccreations4e #newoutlook

  • TimidRage's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Teresa_Cyrus The real issue with this whole fiasco is that they prematurely ripped off the beta label. 'Offline Support' isn't some arbitrary feature either. Basic prerequisite functionality of a local email client is the ability to store the emails locally.

  • Daniel_Ch_Bloch's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    You need a marketing specialist to name something that has always worked as a "feature" and sell it as "we love you, we want you to work well, we are here for you."


  • Corwen's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Teresa_Cyrus Here we are, more than half way through April and still nothing. I wonder what's going on at Microsoft...

    • Corwen It's a bittersweet moment.

      Yes, I want it sooner than later. Yes, I want it to work properly.

      So we must wait anxiously. 🤣


      The good news is MS rolled out OneDrive Offline capabilities. Hopefully, Outlook is not too far behind.



      • Corwen's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        So, May.... Maybe. Maybe not.

  • MonteinSB's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I had no idea that the new Outlook would not work in offline mode.  Had I known, I would have stayed on the old version.  The update says February/March but it's now April.


    Microsoft, the silence is deafening!!!!

  • katrielf's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Teresa_Cyrus, I see the offline feature mentioned in New Outlook help, but I don't see the option in settings. Has it rolled out? See screencap below.


    • Colin1315's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      katrielf - the mail>view>general>offline does not feature on my version of 'new' outlook. Is mine old? How do I move my outlook offline?


      • Teresa_Cyrus's avatar

        Colin1315 chbreaux  katrielf 

        Microsoft has not started rolling out this Offline Mode feature yet. I have early access to Outlook features and still don't see this feature. 


        Remember, depending on your region, some folks may see it before you. 


        I will continue to update this post. 


        /Teresa 3/19/2024


      • chbreaux's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        And here we are a week later - any updates by chance???
    • TimidRage's avatar
      Brass Contributor



      A common occurrence. FAQ documentation rolled out ahead of launch.

      Confirms the feature is soon to be released.

  • sandra0507's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Teresa_Cyrus,

    I am frequent traveller and would need to get access to my emails offline. When will this be available?

    thank you


  • NWWWW's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Did it not happen in January? I still don't have offline support of any kind

  • Teresa_Cyrus 

    With my New Outlook user hat on :smile:, several questions came to mind about working offline.  

    Gio, There is one reference that I need clarification on. What does "first set of capabilities" mean?

    I am aware users will have the flexibility to choose the number of days to download messages to mobile devices is coming soon. 


    • My concern is storage space for these files on both mobile and PC. 
    • The syncing process will surely be done when online. However, will that then take the data offline to strictly online or share properties for both offline and online?
    • What's in the pipeline for future releases that you can share?

    I really appreciate any help you can provide.
