Forum Discussion

JamesRV's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 23, 2020

Unable to open rpmsg



We have AIP and in the last couple of weeks there are lot of complaints about people not able to send/open protected e-mails.  E-mails either marked for "Recipients Only" or any AIP unified label that is set for "protection".  I am sure this was all working until this last Outlook update. 

  • jayblaster's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    JamesRV , I just got off the phone with support, and they fixed the issue for me at the tenant level. 

    • JamesRV's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Can you share what the fix at the Tenant level was?
      • jayblaster's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I honestly don't know. But if you're an EXO customer I recommend opening a ticket from the admin portal. The fix should be free.
    • Wolf_K's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Well, then, do tell how that problem is to be fixed?  Is there a free file opening utility somewhere?

      Because, I certainly will not pay for something that Microsoft messed up.  And, Mr. Jayblaster, why would you post here, saying the "problem was fixed at tenant level", but you do not provide any further detail about this? How is that helpful to anyone?


      I fixed the problem by "no longer using the so-called encryption function" made available within the

      " " system.  I use other systems that do work.  If Microsoft is "happy with stuff that does not work", then that is their problem.  


      Just FYI, I don't use Microsoft OneDrive.  Why?  Because they do not allow storage of encrypted files.

      And why is that? No answer! No explanation!

      • jayblaster's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I had to open a support ticket with Microsoft. I'm sorry if that's not an option for you.

        This was for Outlook and Exchange Online. OWA was working fine, it was Outlook that wasn't working.
  • JamesRV 


    Hi, do you have a more specific example of the errors encountered please?


    Also, are you using the classic labelling client or the unified client?
