Forum Discussion
Apr 08, 2020Copper Contributor
New Office 365 Group not shown when creating new Planner Plan
Our organization created a new Private Office 365 Group (not a Team) but when creating a new Planner Plan this group is not shown as an option to assign the Plan to. We've created Private O365 Groups previously that are not Teams and were able to create new Plans associated to those teams. What would be different or what other settings have limited this group from showing up?
- ElipumBrass Contributor
For anybody coming here to find a solution. This issue is still happening today. What worked for me was:
Add yourself as member.EVEN if you are already and Owner, do not change your permission, just add yourself as member again. It will still show you as Owner, but you will be now able to select the group from the dropdown.
Warning!!! Any other Owners in the site, are NOT automatically added to the Plan. You need to, either invite them, or repeate and add them as members on top of their owner permissions. 😫
- NaggerCopper Contributor
I can confirm that this strange (buggy) 365 group config is still there, only working solution is to add users as group member, wasted a day and got gray hair to find a solution, thanks for everyone for this advice!
- tpope1290Copper Contributor
I can confirm that this bug is still alive and well, and that switch myself to a member fixed it.
- ravenbergCopper Contributor
Bill_Alexander I noticed adding myself as a member helped, but only after I logged in and out of planner.
- catalindumitruCopper Contributor
In the Microsoft 365 admin center > Teams & groups > Active teams & groups find the group you created and check the Team status column.
If you open the group that doesn't have a team created, on the General tab there will be a question and a button:
Would you like to add Microsoft Teams to this group? Add Teams
Click the button and the team will be created.
- ITFSPI_Hal85Copper Contributor
I have several situations where, as an admin, I need to see what's going on, but don't need to be able to do everything with it. Adding myself as an "owner" lets me add users as members, clean a few things up, moderate a little or delegate a bot, and generally keep an eye on things, without allowing me to do much more. I usually temporarily add myself as a member, then remove it once the main structure is working, and they have been trained on it. Once I'm out of members, they take over. I leave one group\team available for IT projects and another as a learning annex. The first is where they can pose questions or ask for help, the other is just a playground for them to test things out, and if it works out, they can move it where they need it later. I generally clean these out by hand or use retention policies to clear them at the end of a month, with a flow that stores the text of any chats or posts with the date\time stamps. This has worked out pretty well. Since they can all set up a plan, add to calendars and share data easily, they only need me accessible about 3months, then they only need a spot check a few times a month. It saves me time, being able to add other owners\members, and it keeps me from messing up what they build with my own logical or illogical thinking. The product must fit what they want and need, not the other way around. Remember that.
- Erik_CarlssonCopper ContributorWell everything works if you create the group/Team from Teams.
In Teams it looks as if you are the owner only but when looking in admin center on the group you have been added as booth owner and member.
I think the problem is if you had and/or manipulate the Team from any of the admin centers - JordanPowerCopper Contributor
This bug is still ongoing. Whenever you create a new Team, if you assign an Owner at creation, that Owner has no ability to see the M365 Group that was created for the very Team they are an Owner of. As noted by other posters, the fix is that an Owner MUST be set as a Member first and then changed to be an Owner before they will be able to view that M365 Group in any app (Planner, Project for Office, etc.).
- JordanPowerCopper ContributorThis bug is still ongoing. Whenever you create a new Team, if you assign an Owner at creation, that Owner has no ability to see the M365 Group that was created for the very Team they are an Owner of. As noted by other posters, the fix is that an Owner MUST be set as a Member first and then changed to be an Owner before they will be able to view that M365 Group in any app (Planner, Project for Office, etc.).
- Michael MitchellCopper Contributor
Hello Bill_Alexander, I am experiencing something very similar in that an Owner of an Office 365 Group/Team would like to add a plan to an existing group but that group/team is not showing within the list of groups. What I did notice, was that this person had changed their group name recently and neither the new or old group name shows in the existing groups list. I have changed their group/team name back to the old one to see if that will allow them to create a new plan for an existing group.
- Bill_AlexanderCopper Contributor
I found a possible solution in my development environment that when I added the Owner as a Member of the same Office 365 Group that the group appears while creating a new Plan in Planner. I'm not sure if this was intended by Microsoft a user has to be both Owner & Member of the same Group or if only members have the option of associating new Plans with the group. It was unclear in the documentation online.
- justInCodeCopper ContributorWorked for me as well, thank you!