Forum Discussion
Kerem Yuceturk
Aug 09, 2016SharePoint Modern Lists - going to 10% of First Release tenants
We are continuing with the rollout of the modern lists feature. Last week we had rolled it out to all of First Release Users. This week, we will take the next step and go to 10% of users in First Release Tenants. All of these users should also see the PowerApps and Flow buttons in the command bar. Expect this rollout to hit your users within this week!
The step after this will be to go to 50% and then 100% of users in First Release Tenants, expected over the next two to three weeks. We will make a new post to announce these next steps.
As I mentioned in my previous post, please note that modern lists, just like modern document libraries, may detect some incompatible features and fall back to the classic SharePoint view for some of your lists. Take a look at this article for the known cases where we fall back to classic, and this article for getting your bearings around modern lists.
Please see the previous post for details about our announcement of modern lists:
- You can disable completely the new UI using PowerShell...see this:
- Frank BastoneCopper Contributor
Will existing apps / lists such as Tasks and Issues Tracker also assume the new SharePoint Modern lists view? At the moment, they revert to the classic view.
I'm in the process of defining a "Risks Tracker" list across new Project-oriented team site templates, but I'm concerned as to whether or not they will assume the new modern list format (which is what I'd like). In fact, I wasn't sure whether I should use a custom list, tasks list, Issues tracking list or perhaps even take a completely different route and use Planner for such a purpose. Exciting (and confusing) times ahead. Thanks.
- Joey DubucBrass Contributor
Frank Bastone wrote:Will existing apps / lists such as Tasks and Issues Tracker also assume the new SharePoint Modern lists view? At the moment, they revert to the classic view.
I'm in the process of defining a "Risks Tracker" list across new Project-oriented team site templates, but I'm concerned as to whether or not they will assume the new modern list format (which is what I'd like). In fact, I wasn't sure whether I should use a custom list, tasks list, Issues tracking list or perhaps even take a completely different route and use Planner for such a purpose. Exciting (and confusing) times ahead. Thanks.
This has been driving me bananas.
Thanks for noting that. I can only get a Custom List to use the Modern UI. I feel like an idiot, dutifully checking for the past three months to see if my existing Task or Calendars "lit up" the Modern setting. All this time I wish I had know it was just the custom lists.
- Kerem Yuceturk
Hi Frank Bastone, not at this time. Currently the modern view is limited only to custom lists and document libraries. We will be expanding the modern view to those in the new year. We need to add some modern controls to our arsenal to be able to properly support those.
If you are using an Office 365 Group, then Planner should be a good fit, but if you want to embed tasks into SharePoint going with a regular task list is the better tool at the moment. Agree that this part of the product is ripe for updates, hopefully we will have some goodness in 2017.
- Ivan54Bronze ContributorHi,
I just wanted to chime in and add, that the new Listitem Edit UI wrongly shows the Attachments Field, even though I specifically disabled attachments in the list settings.
When you try to add an attachment you get this error: Encountering issue when uploading attachment ACV_Skype Features.pdf : The list item was saved, but attachments could not be saved because the attachments feature is currently unavailable for this list.- Sian BusbyBrass Contributor
My 2 cents on this is that the update properties on the view option cannot be disabled which means bypassing any form logic we use.
Allow items in this list to be edited using Quick Edit set to No in Advanced settings doesn't affect this.
Allow individual item checkboxes set to No in the view settings doesnt affect this.
I need to know if this will be something we can disable (or if the option will be available before this goes live to all) as if this isn't possible then I'll need to rethink using SharePoint and look into other options.
- Mark BiceBrass Contributor
We have custom actions in place that register script blocks and even though auto-detect should fall back to classic lists we still see modern UI for site contents and when adding/editing a list item. Viewing the list itself is in classic, though. This makes for quite a disjointed experience as the user goes through the following flow:
Publishing (custom, branded experience)
Site Contents (new modern UI)
List (custom, branded)
Add/Edit list item (new modern UI)
Should all administrative pages go back to classic mode if there are any custom actions registered?
- I think you should simply disable new experience until Microsoft adds support to script blocks
- Mark BiceBrass Contributor
The issue is that for consultants with many clients we do not always have the control to force all tenants into classic mode. Users are going to start seeing the modern UI regardless. If the intention is to detect customizations and not serve up the modern UI (as it has been communicated by MS and it seems to do properly in some areas) then it needs to be consistent. I don't think custom script blocks are coming to the modern UI any time soon and I think when they do they will not be a carryover of custom actions b/c trying to streamline old/new customizations would be an absolute nightmare.
- CKingCopper Contributor
So we are now seeing the Modern Lists in our Tenent however the one issue we seem to be having is that our content types are not playing well with the new views. Specifically when creating or editing items in a list with the Content Type added some of the fields are missing and those fields are needed. Has anyone else seen this experience? We can always switch back to classic view but would prefer not to as we try to provide our users with the most modern experience but this is severely affecting our users ability to add new items to lists.
- Kerem Yuceturk
Hi CKing, this is unexpected. The new item experience should let you pick the content type you want to start with and show you the fields in the new form that are appropirate for that content type, just like classic. And for edit, the content type picker should allow you to switch the form to show the appropriate fields as well. We also check all the types for a content type and if we find any that the modern UI can't display properly, we fall back to classic automatically.
Could you share here, (or privately if you prefer), what types the fields that are missing are? And their settings if you don't mind. There may be an issue that we have not caught in our testing.
- CKingCopper Contributor
I replied to your private message you sent with the information. Any help would be appreciated.
- Sian BusbyBrass Contributor
I'm trying to give power apps a try from the new lists but whenever I click to Edit in Powerapps I get a security certificate warning. Any ideas?
I'm also interested in whether I can remove the PowerApps and Flow options, at least for some lists. Are these options linked to the manage lists permission or site collection admininstrator level?
- Kerem Yuceturk
Hi Sian Busby, sorry to hear about the error. We did have an issue with the Edit button that we are fixing this week. In the meanwhile, you should be able to go to and find and edit all of your apps there.
Also, let me repeat my earlier answer about the button availability: We have heard the feedback about hiding the buttons from other customers too, and we are implementing a change that will tie these buttons to the "Preview Features" switch found in SharePoint tenant admin. This should be there before the end of the month, if not sooner. So you will soon be able to switch the "Preview Features" off, and remove the buttons from modern lists ui.
In the future, we are planning to govern these via a policy page that governs data access to SharePoint that we are building.
- I don't think you can remove both actions from the new list UX (at least currently)...have you tried both actions in different browsers? In one of my tenants with IE, I'm not having problems using both Flow or PowerApps actions
- Pramod SayamCopper Contributor
Are you sure we cannot remove the PowerApps and Flow options for lists ? It will be a big deal for us if this cannot be removed.
- Clifford KennedyIron Contributor
Hi Kerem Yuceturk, we are now seeing Modern Lists in our First Release tenant that we use for testing new services. We have concerns around the inclusion of the Flow and PowerApps buttons - can this be removed using an admin control?
- Kerem Yuceturk
Hi Clifford Kennedy. we have heard this feedback from other customers too, and we are implementing a change that will tie these buttons to the "Preview Features" switch found in SharePoint tenant admin. This should be there before the end of the month, if not sooner. So you will soon be able to switch the "Preview Features" off, and remove the buttons from modern lists ui. This shuold be there before this feature is released broadly to Prod.
In the future, we are planning to govern these via a policy page that governs data access to SharePoint that we are building.
Hope this helps!
- Clifford KennedyIron Contributor
Thanks Kerem Yuceturk - I got a simialr message from the product group overnight, so that will indeed help us in our efforts to remain compliant.
- Serge de KlerkBrass ContributorThanks for the update, especially the link that shows what features are only available in Classic view.