9 TopicsXbox app is missing a lot of features from Xbox console companion
Xbox console companion app which is being depreciated and retired, has still a lot of useful features such as clubs, screenshot uploads, friends activity, uploading your own custom photo as avatar, viewing captures etc etc Xbox app has none of these, yet every time I open Xbox console companion app it says use Xbox app instead, I'm worried that none of these features are going to be added to the new Xbox app. I highly depend on these features and they are important ones. I'm on Windows insider beta ring Link to Feedback hub: games from the Xbox app doesn't remove game shortcut from desktop
Install games from Xbox app, play it, then uninstall it, the shortcut that was made automatically on desktop will still be there, having a white placeholder icon. Expected behavior: the shortcut on desktop should be removed when the game is uninstalled from the uninstall option of the Xbox app. occurring in latest Windows 10 insider Dev build and Xbox app if you can reproduce it, add your details to this feedback: