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IE Site list mode not working
Hello, I'm trying to use the Enterprise Site List in Edge chromium. I read and followed the instructions and set the GP settings as mentioned in the MS instructions page. The site list xml file was created using "Enterprise Mode Site List Manager v2" and worked fine on the pre-chromium Edge versions. I loads fine when trying to open in the browser. I see the set policies in the 'edge://policy/' page (exported json file attached), it shows correctly with the correct URL addresses in the 'edge://compat/enterprise' page, but when I try to actually open one of the URLs, it loads up via Edge chromium and not IE, as I would expect. I'm Running Windows 10 Enterprise OS Version 1803 (Build 17134.1304) and Edge Version 80.0.361.54 (Official build) (64-bit) Would appreciate any help on this, as I'm sure I followed all requirements, but fail to see the results.Solvedeladz6Feb 18, 2020Copper Contributor233KViews0likes28CommentsManual: How to set up IE Mode (Internet Explorer Integration) in Edge C (Updated)
So, since it took me almost a day to collect all necessary info and successfully set up IE Mode in Edge, I thought it may be helpful to post a step-by-step manual and some useful notes. Prerequisites: Microsoft Edge Dev v77.0.223 or higher Windows 10, v1903 with KB4503293 or higher and KB4501375 or higher Windows 10, v1809 with KB4509479 or higher 1. To activate IE Mode open Edge Dev and go to experimental features by typing edge://flags/ (Note: Edge Canary doesn't support IE Mode by now) Under Enable IE Integration select IE mode (Note: don't choose "NeedIE" as it has no effect by now) Optionally you can set Enable enhanced hang resistance for IE Integration to Enabled Optionally you can set Enable IE window hang resistance for IE Integration to Enabled 2. If you don't have an Enterprise Mode site list download the Enterprise Mode Site List Manger v2 from (Note: the site list xml has to use the v2 scheme to work with Edge Chromium) To create a site list open the Manager, click Add and type the domain that should use IE Mode (Note: just enter the plain domain, eg "" without the leading http:// or https://) Under Compat Mode select IE8 Enterprise Mode Under Open in select IE11 to open the site in Edge with IE Mode (Note: options "None" or "MSEdge" will open the site without IE Mode) Click File > Save to XML and publish the site list in IIS or for testing just use the xml as local file on your PC 3. Download the Edge Chromium group policy template files from Open the .zip file and go to policy_templates > windows > admx Copy msedge.admx to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ Copy all *.adml files from your language folder (eg. "en-US") to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\<your language folder>\ 4. Open the Local Group Policy Editor and edit the following entries in Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates: Enable Microsoft Edge > Configure Internet Explorer configuration and set it to Internet Explorer mode Enable Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Use the Enterprise Mode IE website list and set the path to your XML-sitelist, either as URL (eg. or as UNC if you're using a local XML file (eg. file:///C:\test\list.xml) Optional, but not needed for IE Mode: For compatibility, you can set the following, so Enterprise sites visited in Classic Edge will open in Internet Explorer. Enable Windows Components > Microsoft Edge > Use the Enterprise Mode IE website list and set the path to your XML-sitelist, either as URL (eg. or as UNC if you're using a local XML file (eg. file:///C:\test\list.xml) The 3 policies above can be also set via registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge > InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel (REG_DWORD) with value 1 (or decimal: 0x00000001) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\EnterpriseMode > SiteList (REG_SZ) with path to your XML-sitelist (eg. https://test.contoso,com/list.xml) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Main\EnterpriseMode > SiteList (REG_SZ) with path to your XML-sitelist (eg. https://test.contoso,com/list.xml) To check if Edge Dev is recognizing your sitelist correctly, type edge://compat in the address bar. This will show all entries from your XML-sitelist. Open your desired website and - voila, Edge IE Mode is running. Please get back to me if I missed something so I can update the manual.Neon01Jul 26, 2019Steel Contributor152KViews2likes30CommentsSet Homepage via GPO
Hello, I'm looking for the best approach to customize Edge through ADMX/GPO. At first, I wanted to set the homepage/startpage as My Company Site. I have tried to do the same by importing Stable version of Edge ADMX into Central Store and set below policies from "Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Edge\" 1. Configure the homepage URL 2. Action to take on start-> open a list of URL's 3. Sites to open when the browser starts But these steps aren't helpful. Not sure if i'm doing anything wrong here. Note: I have been testing this GPO changes on Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0. Not sure if EDGE admx has no backward version compatibility. As an alternative, I was able to set homepage successfully through "Computer configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Microsoft Edge\Configure start pages". I believe this works because of OS ADMX. But I can't customize other things from OS ADMX.ranjithckm7Jun 19, 2020Brass Contributor133KViews0likes9Commentsmsedge_elf.dll missing
Hello, Recently, several of our users (including myself) have started getting the following error pop-up, seemingly at random points during the day: "The program can't start because msedge_elf.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem" The only problem is, it is present in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\<version> This has only started occurring in the past couple of weeks, mostly on our legacy Windows 7 ESU Year 3 estate, which we are fully in the process of retiring. I am aware that the OSD for Edge on Windows 7 is January 15 2023. Our Edge estate is patched regularly via WSUS, and is fully the X64 version. The latest version we are running is 101.0.1210.39. We also install Edge WebView2, as this is required by software we use, and this is patched via WSUS, to the same version as regular Edge. I cannot find any information in the EventLog about what application, service or event is triggering this error, can anyone help please? Thanks, Jonathanjdseymour1978May 11, 2022Brass Contributor110KViews2likes22CommentsGroup policy to disable the "Welcome to the new Microsoft Edge" dialog from FirstRun wizard
Any chance you could provide a group policy to hide the FirstRun Get Started dialog? In a managed environment it's largely redundant, or at least will be. Also more often then not these changes are communicated internally. Our customer site is heavily locked down via group policy, using automatic AAD sign in and sync, importing all existing settings from Internet Explorer; so the FirstRun experience is largely seamless which is great. Removing that extra click and allowing customers to get straight into the browser is what we're after - no doubt the majority of your enterprise customers would appreciate having the ability to manage this setting too. Thanks and keep up the great work!csrswalchDec 15, 2019Brass Contributor102KViews5likes18CommentsEdge Chromuim won't allow PDFs to open in Adobe reader when launched from website
Hello, Our users when clicking on a PDF link from inside Edge Chromium need the PDF to be launched in Adobe Reader and not the browser. (like IE 11 was able to do) We have went through and have verified that all file associations that have the .PDF extension point to Adobe Reader. However, after that change PDFs linked in a browser (like IRS tax form PDF downloads) still open up in Edge Chromium in the browser. In the past this setting use to be controlled by Adobe in the PDF reader app. However, it is no longer controlled in that. We have tested this in 2016 server and windows 10 with the latest stable version of Edge with the same results. How can we have a user click on a PDF url link in Edge and have it open in Adobe reader? Thank youtylderlurdenFeb 25, 2020Brass Contributor95KViews2likes7CommentsSetting Google as Default Search Provider (Group Policy)
Hello, I am testing the new Edge browser (I love it btw). Setting IE mode for specific websites and all kinds of other things and its working out great so far. I've noticed that for some reason it completely ignores USER Group Policies so for now I am setting everything under COMPUTER. My issue is that I am trying to make it so that when you search from the address bar or the Office 365 experience new tab page it uses Google instead? I have all these policies and it's not working. Any idea's as to what I am doing wrong/missing here?WC_KStillJun 19, 2020Brass Contributor88KViews0likes19CommentsInstalling MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi - Error 1722
When installing MicrosoftEdgeBetaEnterpriseX64.msi (current Version 80.0.361.48) I get following MSI Error 1722: Product: Microsoft Edge for Business- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. At first, I thought it was being caused by the update-restriction being applied via GPO (ADMX), but even without this GPO settings applied or by reverting the corresponding setting in the registry, the installation fails as well. The issue occurs on 57 from 240 workplaces (Windows 10 build 1709), but also on one Windows 10 build 1903. Remaining 1709 builds successfully installed the application. Logfile: MSIc3130.LOG Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action DoInstall, location: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI4045.tmp, command: /silent /install "appguid={56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}&appname=Microsoft Edge&needsAdmin=True&usagestats=0&ap=stable-arch_x64" /installsource enterprisemsi /appargs "appguid={56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}&installerdata=%7B%22distribution%22%3A%7B%22msi%22%3Atrue%2C%22system_level%22%3Atrue%2C%22verbose_logging%22%3Atrue%2C%22msi_product_id%22%3A%22DCF62978-E764-38B6-8D70-FD4BFF0EDEE5%22%2C%22allow_downgrade%22%3Afalse%7D%7D" Other issue: Could someone help us out finding a solution to the install failure?SolvedSanderVRMar 16, 2020Copper Contributor85KViews1like17Comments
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