Forum Discussion

John Holden's avatar
John Holden
Copper Contributor
Apr 13, 2017

Bookings Calendar and Reply Address

I have begun to evaluate Bookings and it looks really promising.  However, I have a question: when a customer receives a confirmation email, they can click on the "Manage my booking" square.  Fine.


However, if they hit 'Reply' and try to mail back to the (calendar's) email address from which the confirmation mail originated (maybe not correct, but completely understandable user behaviour) they get a message to say that their email has bounced.  Not a good user experience.


Within the Bookings configuration/settings, there is an option to "Send customer replies to" [insert email address here] but replies don't make it back to that address.


Am I doing something wrong?  Any suggestions from the community please?

  • danlif20's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I am wondering if it is possible to change the system generated email address that Bookings is sending the email from after @ sign.  Is it pulled from the tenant? Can I edit this ending? 


    My company has a child company with an alias email ending that is tied to main tenant. I need the email ending to be coming from the child company (alias) and not the parent company email ending. Any help here????

    • PaddyPale's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I'm also very much interested in an answer to danlif20 's question. My observation is, that the generated email address is being pulled from the company name you provide when creating the Booking calendar. Also the sender name seems to be this value, and it doesn't matter if you change the company name in the "Business Information" page.


      For us, it would be really helpful, if we could define the sender address to something our customers are familiar with (e.g. info@....)

      • rinusripsus23's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        What I still don't understand: emailaddresses are created with forwarding to creator and there is no way for an Exchange or Global admin to see these emailaddresses? They are created in the GAL as well!!! OMG...

  • Amanda Martin's avatar
    Amanda Martin
    Copper Contributor

    Hello - I am also having this issue. Reply-to email address on confirmation email is a made up email address. Thanks in advance. 

    • Alysha Voigt's avatar
      Alysha Voigt
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Amanda,


      I would like to clarify one thing. When someone receives a Bookings confirmation email of their appointment, the email address that sent the email to them will always be a system-generated email address. That part is expected. However, if the customer hits Reply on that email, and sends a message, our system should route that email to the address you specified in your Bookings settings.


      If you can, please do a test of this tomorrow and let me know if it didn't work.



  • Hi

    I've tested it and it (currently) works for me.

    I've learned that Bookings creates an imaginary e-mail address that is used by the system.

    Then the new fix, automatically is setting up forwarding from this imaginary e-mail address to the one specified in company settings in Bookings.

    Exchange / Office365 administrators cannot see or change this e-mail address, by the way.

    Documentation or manuals telling this is nowhere to be found :-), that's just the way the cookie crumbles......apparently

    • Alysha Voigt's avatar
      Alysha Voigt
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Henrik,


      Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say that administrators can't see or change the email address? The person who owns/manages the specific Bookings calendar should be able to see and change that address for themselves.

      • Henrik Spanggaard's avatar
        Henrik Spanggaard
        Copper Contributor

        Hi Alysha 

        I just now tried to send to the e-mail address that Bookings is using to send out confirmations, from an external e-mail address.

        My mail bounces, I'm sorry to say.....:-( ( Recipient address rejected: Access denied) 


        Any idear when this also is resolved?

    • Alysha Voigt's avatar
      Alysha Voigt
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Henrik,


      I work on the Microsoft Bookings team, and I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue. Could you please send me the details in a private message? I'm hoping to get your tenant domain, the ID of the Bookings calendar, and when you last had a report of this happening.
