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Bookings not being accepted by system
We've had several customers call us to say they are unable to make a booking. The common claim is that, when they click 'Book' after filling in their details (using the booking page), the page just reloads. No error messages are showing, and no booking is processed. Some customers have told us they thought they had booked, which is causing unhappy customers/missed appointments. Often, we are unable to replicate the issue so it is unclear what is causing this - though some Booking staff have reported similar issues across different calendars and services. All services are 1:n booking slots (classroom style bookings). I am not sure whether it is possible that appointments are 'locked' whilst other customers are attempting to book into the same appointment? Or whether there may be any issues with particular browsers (anecdotally, customers unable to book appear to often be using an iPhone)? Has anyone else had similar issues, and/or ideas as to what may be behind this? We are a little concerned about platform stability/availability as things stand.Solved766Views1like11CommentsBooking Pages Do Not Work
Booking pages that I created this month aren't showing when I click on the link and receive this error message: We aren't offering services through the booking page right now. Please contact us directly or check back later. I thought it had to do with the IT Outage, but other Booking page links I have are working. This message is only showing up on Booking pages that I created this month. Please help!Solved1.3KViews0likes3CommentsBooking page - adding a user as Administrator then changes to Guest!
Hello. When I try adding a specific internal user to my booking page as an administrator, it soon changes to a guest! They have OWA enabled and business premium license assigned. For the life of me, I don't understand why this happens. See screenshots to understand the issue better. The user then receives an email suggesting they only have guest access. Please helpSolved346Views0likes3CommentsBookings not considering my availabilty with multiple staff
I have set up a Bookings page with a colleague of mine, in order to allow booking an appointment when both of us are available. To do this, I've created a service assigning both of us to the appointment, so that availabilities are checked for both of us. The problem is that availabilities are correctly checked for him, but not for me. - If I check the setting of staff members, we have the same options - and yes, the "Office events affect availability" option is checked. - In Outlook Calendar, the calendar's setting allows other people in the organization to see when I'm busy. - In Bookings -> Staff, if I click on myself and check my "Calendar and availabilities", all events are shown correctly. - The same problem shows up if I create a new service where I'm the only staff member. - The weird thing is that the same problem does not happen on the personal booking page; there, availabilities are modified correctly based on the events in my calendar. I think I tried everything... I don't know if I should just give up 😞Solved882Views0likes1CommentHow to use Bookings to allow external users to pick a webinar to attend
I'm working on moving a company from Zoom to MS Teams. One feature of Zoom they use is the ability to provide external uses the ability to pick from a list of scheduled webinars to join. See attached for an example of what I need to replicate. I tried creating a shared Booking page to do this, but can't quite get what I want. Is that possible with Bookings and if so, could you please help me by listing the steps? Thank you in advance!Solved3.2KViews0likes2CommentsHELP: Bookings app not working in new Microsoft Outlook
The Bookings app is no longer working for all users in my organization in the new Microsoft Outlook. Bookings in the web still works as expected. Has anyone experienced this issue and any suggestions on how to resolve it?Solved2.4KViews1like6CommentsReassigned booking does not move to new assignee's Outlook calendar
After reassigning a booking to a new staff member, the booking remains in the original staff member's Outlook calendar and does not display in the new staff member's Outlook calendar. Expected behavior - after a booking is reassigned it will stop displaying in the original staff member's Outlook calendar and display in the reassigned staff member's Outlook calendar. This is what we are experiencing: 1) Visitor books an appointment with staff member A 2) Visitor and staff member A both receive email notification about new appointment - appointment is displayed in staff member A's Outlook calendar 3) Bookings admin reassigns appointment to staff member B4) Visitor, staff member A and staff member B all receive email notification that accurately indicates staff member b as the new staff assigned staff member - appointment is still displayed in staff member A's Outlook calendar but not staff member B's Everything works correctly except the appointment is never moved from the original staff member's Outlook (staff member A) to the reassigned staff member's (staff member B). We checked many hours later and then over 24 hours later to make sure it wasn't just a delay, but the appointment still displayed in the staff A's Outlook calendar, and not Staff B's. We checked both desktop Outlook and Outlook online and it was the same issue. We tested with several appointments and this behavior was consistent. The calendar in Microsoft Bookings correctly displays the reassigned appointments.Solved1.6KViews2likes5CommentsCan’t save changes
Whenever I click “Save Changes” after creating/modifying a service, nothing happens. The window stays the same. Literally nothing happens. It appears as if the button is unresponsive. You can click it 20 times in a row…..nothing. It seems like Bookings is getting more and more clunky and unusable. For a software giant like MS, this is incredibly mediocre and inferior.Solved1.1KViews3likes4CommentsCan not create Bookins Calendar
When i try to create a Bookings Calendar, i get a error message "Unfortunately an error occurred while creating your booking page". On the start page, there is a message "No access to personal bookings". I have enabled Bookings in the Apps and in the global settings. The user has assigned a "Microsoft 365 Business Premium" license. What can i do to create the Bookings Calendar? Thank you in advance.Solved829Views0likes2CommentsAdjusting Expiration Date on Bookings Page Link
Good Afternoon, I am a recruiter using Bookings for Me to allow candidates to arrange their phone screens with me. My question is - the link that is generated has an expiration date typically a few months into the future. Is there an option to tweak the expiration date to be about a week out from when it's generated? Currently, because the bookings page link is available for such an extended amount of time, candidates I haven't heard from in ages after inviting them to phone screen have randomly gone in and selected a time, which I'm trying to avoid. Any guidance would be appreciated! Thanks!Solved4.2KViews1like2CommentsCustomers see an error message when they create a booking
Only a few minutes ago (2024-02-27 11:00) I noticed that when customers make bookings, they receive an error message and are asked to try again. However, the booking is made in the Bookings calendar, meaning that when the customer tries again, they cannot attempt to book the same time, as it is now booked for them. The customer receives no email confirmation of the booking. The error message is something like "This booking could not be made, please try again". I have added a screenshot of the Finnish language error below. Does anyone know if this situation is being addressed by MS?Solved2KViews2likes9CommentsBookings' "Different Availability for a Date Range" allows to set only 6 weeks ahead
My schedule changes often, therefore I need to provide different availability weekly. I do this by adding weekly hours in the Default in "Availability During these weeks Currently, Bookings only allows me to set my future availability 6 weeks in advance. On the 7th week, under Availability during these dates, I can only choose "Bookable when staff are free," or "Not Bookable." How do I set up Bookings to post my availability out to 120 days or longer? These are my current settings. 1. In the business information section, business hours are set to “Day Off” daily. 2. Under each service, I have the default scheduling policy toggle on. 3. Under Staff In my profile, I have business hours set to off on all days. 4. Under the booking page, default scheduling policy, I set the maximum lead time to be 120 days, General availability to "Bookable when staff are free," and weekly customized times; however, I can only add six weeks, about 45 days in advanceSolved1.6KViews0likes2CommentsThere is no availability on this date. Please choose another one.
Wondering if this product works? It appeared that the parking place booked for given date - say 27th of February - the system will not allow me to pick any other parking slot that day. Each service (parking slot) has to have a Staff assigned to it. In my case the Staff assigned is USERX and this ID is assigned to all services I have created say 10 parking slots. This means, if I will book a parking slot I have configured with 1 day duration service - the Staff is busy throughout the day - anf other service can not be booked. I believe this is due to "1:1 Service, One staff attends to one customer" I have switched to 1:N and the reservation possibilities completely vanished. "There is no availability on this date. Please choose another one.". Now, bizare things appear there; If I set this up: The booking page will display the way it offers the slots: but only If I change the date or click ony other date and go back to the previous one (26th) this is again not workimg at all Any resolution?Solved1.9KViews0likes2Comments"You do not have access to Bookings with me" Error Message
Good Morning -- I am a recruiter using this platform for candidates to book phone screens with me. While not a common occurrence, I have experienced a couple of candidates getting this error message upon clicking the link I send to them from my personal bookings page. For context, I am generating the link through the "Copy Link" function found by clicking the 3 dots pictured below: I have looked through several other posts on this topic, but none seem to have a workable solution for my situation. Curious if anyone knows how to resolve. Thanks!Solved5.7KViews0likes2Comments"Add attendees" greyed out in outlook
Hello, I've been working on creating a booking site for some of our employees to make scheduling with customers easier. And while it is mostly working there is still one pain point we've come across. Example: Someone will book a meeting with me through Bookings, and I'll accept it. This meeting will appear in my Outlook calendar and that all works well. I now realize that I want to add someone else to the meeting. I double click the meeting in Outlook and then go to scheduling assistant. At this point, I will see that add attendees will be greyed out. The only option I would have to invite someone else would be to send someone the invite link, which I don't want to do. I've also looked at the "New" Outlook, and it seems scheduling assistant is completely gone from the meeting screen there. I've made sure the Booking service is able to have multiple attendees so that isn't the issue. Does anyone have anything to fix this? ThanksSolved4KViews0likes1Comment1 Day Service Spanning over 2 Days
Hello, my company has a full day service that we use our bookings page for. Over the past few days, the bookings have gone from 'all day' to spanning over 2 days. For example, if someone books on 12/13/23, their booking will be for 12/13/23 @12am to 12/14/23 @12am. I noticed that the 'all day' option for a service has gone away, so we have the scheduling as '1 day'. Is anyone else having this issue? Here is what the booking is supposed to look like (and what it looked like when people would book a week ago): Here is what it looks like now: Here is our scheduling policy (maybe there is an issue in there?):Solved1.1KViews0likes1CommentBooking Service, with Custom Scheduling not working
Hi All, Pretty new to MS Booking so apologies if I'm simply missing something simple. I have a Booking set up with a single Service. Although I have set a Default Scheduling Policy on the Booking Page, and Business Hours on the Business Information page, I'm not particularly interested in their settings as I'm setting a custom Scheduling Policy for my specific service (I was led to believe that this was the case from tutorials I have followed i.e. setting a custom Service Policy overrides everything else). My service is designed to be available for one day only, with time slots that fall outside of the normal business hours / default scheduling. To support this, I have set the [Service Availability] to "Not bookable", and then used the "+ Set different availability for a date range" to add in one specific date, and then set the custom times for that day: However, when I add staff to my service, no availability is showing unless I also customise their individual hours: This seems to happen regardless of the [Use business hours] toggle. While this works, it is less than ideal as I will have to do this for some 40 staff, and then change it if/when my Service date / day changes. Can anyone advise Many thanksSolved3.8KViews0likes2CommentsBookings Confirmations get sent to client with wrong time zone, but calendar entries are correct.
I am hoping this issue can be looked and escalated. We started using Bookings several months ago and have found it to be very helpful at making sure we have less no shows for appointments and we like the automated reminder feature. Within the last week, we've seen a change in the details sent to clients by email and text. Our services occur in Pacific time, but the email/text reminders go out with UTC timing. If I look at the the Virtual Appointment calendar, our Outlook calendar or the booking.ics file sent to clients, all time information is correct. The biggest issue is the confusion the wrong times create for clients with the initial confirmations clients receive. I have worked a bit with Power automate and know that the base platform for these programs are UTC. I have looked at the Bookings settings and they are correctly configured for Pacific time. If anyone has some suggestions or if Microsoft can look at this recent glitch, that would be appreciated. Here are some screen shots. Client notification: The body of the email/text shows UTC which is incorrect Virtual Appointments Calendar Entry: correct time Calendar Entry for Bookings Calendar: correct time booking.ics details when opened to place in calendar: correct timeSolved6.4KViews2likes15CommentsStaff time off for every appointment
We are currently facing a situation. I've set up a service with a 30-minute increment time visible to customers, resulting in 30-minute slots. Is it feasible to enable customers to book 20-minute appointments only? Following each 20-minute appointment, staff would then have a 10-minute window to organize themselves before the next customer arrives. I couldn't locate any settings for this in the current setup.Solved984Views0likes2Comments
Recent Blogs
- Microsoft Bookings is a powerful scheduling tool that enables organizations to streamline appointment management and enhance customer engagement. As organizations increasingly rely on Bookings to man...Mar 04, 2025266Views0likes0Comments
- More SMS options come to Microsoft BookingsOct 01, 20242KViews0likes0Comments