Recent Discussions
Add different attendees to a booking
Hi, I am trying to enable adding more than one attendee tog an event bookin in bookings. The service allows up to 4 attendees, but on the booking page, I can't add more people to receive the invite. How can I solve this? Sometimes, the booking is for an online meeting, and more people need to be added at the point of the reservation. Thanks!8Views0likes0CommentsRescheduling with a different staff member removes the Teams meeting link
Hello, we have been experiencing the following issue: Service setting: "1:1", "Assign any of your selected staff for an appointment." A customer initially books a meeting with Staff A, and everything proceeds smoothly. However, if the customer reschedules to a time slot where Staff A is unavailable, resulting in Staff B being assigned, neither Staff B nor the customer receive a meeting link. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Is someone working on a fix, and how have you been dealing with it? Thank you9Views0likes0CommentsBookings and manually adjusting Max Attendees
Hello. I have two services I offer on a shared booking. On the occasional booking, I want to manual adjust the number of available attendees from 6 down to a lower number. The default is set to 6 on the service page, and on the occasional service I manually adjust it down. I noticed on a booking an attendee canceled their appointment, but after that, the number of available seats went from the manually adjust 4 back to 6. 2 extra people booked before I caught it. How can I fix this? I don't want to keep creating new services for each specific situation, I just want the occasional service to be at a lower max attendee than the others. Much appreciated.17Views0likes0CommentsAllocating staff
Hi, Does anyone use bookings where it automatically allocates a member of staff to a meeting? We are trying this but require a pattern to it. Essentially we want it to go from staff A, Staff B then Staff C. At the moment it is only going between A and B and it can be random. Is there anyway we can set it to go in a specific pattern without staff selecting the staff names? If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks in advance Grace17Views1like0CommentsAutomatic cancellation of meeting
Hello, I'm trying to use Bookings to plan multiple-user training. I've scheduled multiple meettngs and users can choose their meeting. So many users can attend the same meeting. The thing is when one user cancels its booking, it automatically cencel the meeting for everyone else in the meeting. I would like some help please Kind regards11Views0likes0CommentsNo availability on bookings
Hi All I am having a sudden persistent issue with the booking system. We have been using same link just fine, but all of a sudden no times are available for myself or the team even though the outlook calendar is clear. Everyone is just showing as unavailable. Booking page is public and all settings same to the rest of my booking pages.29Views0likes0CommentsTime zone erratically assigned
I'm using Bookings through an Education account at an R1 university. I have attempted setting up my calendar availability many different ways in Bookings, but I continue to experience the same error about which many others have complained. Unfortunately, the workaround that seems to work for business users is not an option in educational accounts. The option to "Always show time slots in business time zone" appears nowhere. This morning, I had a student book an appointment with me, thinking it was at 10a (PST), when it was actually a slot for 1pm (EST, and where we are located). The confirmation email I received showed the time as 12p (CST). This seems to be a perennial problem with Bookings, yet no one seems to have a solution for it in this particular context. We're not technically a "business," but major universities are BIG money for Microsoft. I can only imagine how much profit they are making selling their platform to a university like this, with >32k students and >12,000 employees, across all campuses. It seems like y'all might consider re-working the application code to develop a more stable solution. I never had this issue when our University still allowed us to use Google calendar with students. If someone has an answer, I will be forever in your debt.24Views0likes0CommentsGroup bookings
I am trying to create a new booking service as a Group booking instead of an Individual booking. Based on what I have read, there should be a Service Type dropdown field when creating the service. However, in my instance of Bookings, I do not see that dropdown menu. Any suggestions?16Views0likes0CommentsMS Bookings
When I create my services and bookings, I experience two problems: Not every booking is available on the link that I am sending to others - shows no availability although I select the correct one and it work for some and not for others. Not every booking shows on "Overview" view and I have to scroll on Calendar to be able to Edit it. Again, works for some but not the others. I am doing nothing different, but the dates and it works for some but not others. Is this a common problem?17Views0likes0CommentsIs it possible to assign staff to a task automatically, or assign a secondary email?
Hello, I have admin rights on our staff bookings page. We have an internal mail system integrated with M365 Outlook and each staff member has a work address assigned to our company domain. The problem arises from Booking's apparent inflexibility: I cannot seem to add contextually separate availabilities for the same staff member. For example, I want to be available on premises 3 days a week for the hours 9:30am to 14:30. I will additionally be available for online appointments 2 days a week 13:30 to 17:00. Let's say I have 2 tasks, A and B. A is in-person and B is online. When I assign staff to task A with hours for 9:30 to 14:30, then assign them to task B, adding 13:30 to 17:00, it universally assigns them those hours for task A as well, even though it is a separate task and they will not be available in-office then. I could not figure out a way around this, so ended up adding a separate staff member, which then requires a second email. We cannot get additional emails provisioned, so they have to use a gmail account. Our internal mail server is unreliable when sending to gmail and sometimes filters our outgoing appointment emails as spam such that it doesn't reach gmail at all. I have personally tested this. I thought that maybe I could just assign our primary email to an "additional email" field on the secondary staff clone, such that our internal email would still be pinged, but it doesn't seem to be an option. Then I wondered if it would be possible to automatically assign the staff's primary account (to get the notifications) when their secondary clone was booked for online appointments. Ultimately I am just looking for a solution to this problem, no matter how it's accomplished, but would also like to see Bookings just allow that baseline functionality to begin with. It feels unnecessarily restrictive. Thanks13Views0likes0CommentsInternal Server Error when creating an appointment with isLocationOnline: true
Since last week we are experiencing an issue with creating booking appointments when isLocationOnline is set to true. The booking is created in MS Bookings but the Graph API returns a 500 Internal Server Error without any further details and the customer doesn't receive the confirmation email, only the reminders. With isLocationOnline set to false the Graph API returns a proper booking appointment response and the customer receives the confirmation email. But no teams link is being created, which is the whole point. We have a test environment where it still works with the same payload. We've double checked all Business and Service rules and made sure the service linked to the appointment is set up to allow online sessions. The strange thing is that Microsoft's own service booking page also returns an Internet Server Error when creating an appointment through their UI. Example request with the culprit highlighted in bold: curl --location '{businessId}/appointments' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ••••••' \ --data-raw '{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.bookingAppointment", "customerTimeZone": "W. Europe Standard Time", "endDateTime": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone", "dateTime": "2025-02-28T13:45:00.000Z", "timeZone": "UTC" }, "isLocationOnline": true, "optOutOfCustomerEmail": false, "postBuffer": "PT15M", "preBuffer": "PT0S", "email address removed for privacy reasons": "#Collection(microsoft.graph.bookingReminder)", "reminders": [ { "offset": "-PT1S", "recipients": "customer", "message": "Reminder 1" }, { "offset": "P1D", "recipients": "customer", "message": "Reminder 2" }, { "offset": "P2D", "recipients": "staff", "message": "Reminder3 " } ], "serviceId": "{serviceId}", "staffMemberIds": [ "{staffMemberId}" ], "startDateTime": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone", "dateTime": "2025-02-28T12:45:00.000Z", "timeZone": "UTC" }, "maximumAttendeesCount": 1, "filledAttendeesCount": 1, "email address removed for privacy reasons": "#Collection(microsoft.graph.bookingCustomerInformation)", "customers": [ { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.bookingCustomerInformation", "name": "-", "emailAddress": "email address removed for privacy reasons", "timeZone": "W. Europe Standard Time" } ] }'49Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Bookings error
Hello, I'm having an issue with clients trying to use my work's Microsoft Booking page. After clients select a time and submit a request, they get an error: "Please try again Something went wrong We couldn't book that appointment. Please reload the page and try again." I've tested it myself as well. Even after reloading the page, clients receive the same error. My calendar seems to actually place the appointment on my Outlook Calendar, but aren't getting the correct feedback/confirmation. I didn't seem to find any previous discussing with the keywords I've entered, so apologize if it's a common question! Thanks in advance for any assistance.25Views0likes0CommentsUnable to add Staff to a Bookings Business
Hi! I manage a Booking page that has ~50 staff members that is used for scheduling IT support. For the last week I've been unable to add staff to the business because the hours for the staff doesn't load. Where I would normally be able to select the hours that the staff member is available it is instead blank and empty there. If I select use business hours and try and add the staff member I get the response - 'The meeting hours aren't correct. Please check for overlapping times or a start time that comes after an end time'. If anyone knows how to resolve this issue please let me know.35Views0likes0CommentsCustom bookings for open day
We have just set up a basic page for Microsoft bookings but I am struggling to set it up for our particular requirements. I have gone round in circles a bit so any help would be very much appreciated. Basically, we have an open day of our facility in April and I want to set up a series of days where people can book. From Tuesday to Friday, we'll have 8 slots per day. There will 4 slots available from 10:00 am - 12:30 with four staff being available and then 4 slots in the afternoon from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm So 4 separate people can be given a tour at the same time (10:00 am) or within 10-15 mins of each other by 4 different staff. So I don't necessarily need set times every 30 mins or every hour. So ideally we'll have two start times - one at 10:00 am and one at 1:00 pm and we can take 4 people in the morning and 4 people in the afternoon. I have looked at the system and I can see you can assign staff etc but I cannot overlap the times or create 4 for the same starting time. Is there a simple way to do this? Many thanks for your help.23Views0likes0Comments
Recent Blogs
- Microsoft Bookings is a powerful scheduling tool that enables organizations to streamline appointment management and enhance customer engagement. As organizations increasingly rely on Bookings to man...Mar 04, 2025268Views0likes0Comments
- More SMS options come to Microsoft BookingsOct 01, 20242KViews0likes0Comments